Braid Team

Braid Team

About Us!

Our syndicate investors get:

We bring our expertise of working with influencers to help scale and grow our portfolio companies. 

  • Access to exclusive deals they otherwise wouldn't see. 

  • A chance to co-invest along side trusted VCs and prominent entrepreneurs.

  • The ability to pick and choose which deals they want to invest in versus a fund where they get allocated into every deal without a choice. 

Our portfolio founders get:

  • Mentorship & advice from a 5x Inc5000 entrepreneur & influencer expert. 

  • One name on the cap table and yet syndicate investors and entrepreneurs who have years of expertise & connections. 

  • The go-to-market strategy & how to professionally work with influencers.

Our influencer partners can:

  • Convert their commissions/sponsorship fees into equity if they choose.

  • Diversify their investment portfolio with high growth venture capital opportunities.

  • Network with other influencers, entrepreneurs, and investors in our community.  

WIN for companies, WIN for Investors, WIN for Influencers


Only 5- 1:1 Mentoring/Coaching spots available 👊 Go to Running a startup is incredibly hard. Fundraising for a startup seems impossible. Building a brand and leveraging social media…daunting. I’m the founder or co-founder of a few companies:, Outro, LaunchLeads, and many consumer brands under The Page Company umbrella. I’ve built Inc5000 companies (5 times), bootstrapped some, raised venture capital for another, got acquired, failed another, and helped generate over 2M social followers across brands with 100s of millions of views… I’m getting a lot of DMs from founders & entrepreneurs struggling to know how to fundraise, build a solid team, scale profit, and break through their current rut… So, I’ve opened up five (5) exclusive 1:1 mentorship slots on @useintro from $700-$2500/month. Video calls and unlimited chat 💬 🙌💯 What can we cover together?: Personalized strategies to create and position your company for your demographic and future investors. Crafting a strategic social plan that resonates with consumers. Go-to-market execution and sales innovations, both b2b and b2c. Long-term growth strategies for company success & building your rockstar team. And so much more, all customized to you and your business. Only sign up if you’re ready to put in the work. Let’s get started now, to prepare and make 2025 the absolute best year you’ve ever had in your career 🙌 Go to to secure your spot now. #1on1coaching #startup #mentor #fundraising #venturecapital #coaching #thetimeisnow #limitedspots #scale #grow #getunstuck

I feel different when I exercise. my brain feels clearer, and I’m overall a happier person. It helps me to have more confidence, proves to myself that I can do hard things, & the consistency is what has brought the most change. Doctrine: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? …The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Corinthians 3:16–17). “Satan learned these same eternal truths about the body, and yet his punishment is that he does not have one. Therefore he tries to do everything he can to get us to abuse or misuse this precious gift. He has filled the world with lies and deceptions about the body. He tempts many to defile this great gift of the body through unchastity, immodesty, self-indulgence, and addictions. He seduces some to despise their bodies; others he tempts to worship their bodies. In either case, he entices the world to regard the body merely as an object. In the face of so many satanic falsehoods about the body, I want to raise my voice today in support of the sanctity of the body. I testify that the body is a gift to be treated with gratitude and respect. The scriptures declare that the body is a temple. It was Jesus Himself who first compared His body to a temple (see John 2:21). Later Paul admonished the people of Corinth, a wicked city teeming with all manner of lasciviousness and indecency: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Cor. 3:16–17). What would happen if we truly treated our bodies as temples? The result would be a dramatic increase in chastity, modesty, observance of the Word of Wisdom, & a similar decrease in the problems of pornography & abuse, for we would regard the body, like the temple, as a sacred sanctuary of the Spirit. Just as no unclean thing may enter the temple, we would be vigilant to keep impurity of any sort from entering the temple of our bodies.” #bodyisatemple #crossfit #handstand #pushup #lawofhealth #healing #dad #fatherhood

Marvin Ashton said, “Someone has said, “A friend is a person who is willing to take me the way I am.” Accepting this as one definition of the word, may I quickly suggest that we are something less than a real friend if we leave a person the same way we find him. There seems to be a misunderstanding on the part of some men today as to what it means to be a friend. Acts of a friend should result in self-improvement, better attitudes, self-reliance, comfort, consolation, self-respect, and better welfare. Certainly the word friend is misused if it is identified with a person who contributes to our delinquency, misery, and heartaches. When we make a man feel he is wanted, his whole attitude changes. Our friendship will be recognizable if our actions and attitudes result in improvement and independence. It takes courage to be a real friend. Some of us endanger the valued classification of friend because of our unwillingness to be one under all circumstances. Fear can deprive us of friendship. Some of us identify our closest friends as those with the courage to remain and share themselves with us under all circumstances. A friend is a person who will suggest and render the best for us regardless of the immediate consequences. Henry B. Eyring said, “All of us will be tested. And all of us need true friends to love us, to listen to us, to show us the way, and to testify of truth to us so that we may retain the companionship of the Holy Ghost. You must be such a true friend. …“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.”

We always sing a song and say a prayer each night. Sunday night we sang 2 songs that resonate with me and help me teach my kids true principles: 🎶 Search, Ponder, and Pray 1. I love to read the holy scriptures, And, ev’ry time I do, I feel the Spirit start to grow within my heart- A testimony that they’re true. [Chorus] Search, ponder, and pray Are the things that I must do. The Spirit will guide, and, deep inside, I’ll know the scriptures are true. 2. So, prayerfully I’ll read the scriptures Each day my whole life through. I’ll come to understand. I’ll heed the Lord’s command And live as he would have me do. [Chorus] Search, ponder, and pray Are the things that I must do. The Spirit will guide, and, deep inside, I’ll know the scriptures are true. === 1. I am a child of God, And he has sent me here, Has given me an earthly home With parents kind and dear. [Chorus] Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, Help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do To live with him someday. 2. I am a child of God, And so my needs are great; Help me to understand his words Before it grows too late. [Chorus] Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, Help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do To live with him someday. 3. I am a child of God. Rich blessings are in store; If I but learn to do his will, I’ll live with him once more. [Chorus] Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, Help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do To live with him someday. - What are some songs that you love to sing with your kids, that help teach them life principles and your beliefs? #family #familytime #singing #familyfirst #familyguy #dad #dadtime #dadlife #sunday #kids #sundaythoughts #teachingkids