
I’ve got the Recipe! 💾 SAVE for when your ready to start your journey! Wether your a NEWBIE or a “PRO” I have a Starter Kit bundle for those: ✅Wanting a “side hustle” ✅A DFY MRR/PLR Product to resell ✅Not ready to spend $500 on a whole course ✅Looking to make passive income online ✅Wanting to learn more while selling This “Digital Success Starter Bundle” I’ve created has taken me weeks to perfect and give as much value as I possible can! Of course this Digital Product comes with Master Resell Rights so that way you can make 100% profit! ALL of my products have MRR attached and you can check them out at the 🔝 of my bio in the 🔗 When investing into Digital Products, it allows you to not only make money passively due to automations! It also allows you to have that time flexibility Bonus: You get your investment back from the first sale! So it was practically free 😆 (rich math) I wanted to cater to those who are new to marketing digital products AND also create a resealable bundle for those Pro’s just looking for a DFY MRR Product for their newbies to resell! No matter your niche or narrative this bundle has the tools and actionable skill sets for the stepping stone to gaining more financial opportunities! If your seeing this, you’ve stumbled across a personal growth success coach & Creative Freelancer who shares post on success, wealth & FREEDOM! COMMENT “KIT” for more info 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passiveincome #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks #fyp #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypシ

ALL LIES… 💾SAVE this for inspiration for later No they’re not ALL lying but there are a lot of - so called “digital marketers” who are just creators selling false promises.🙄 Ever felt like you were sold a dream DFY Digital Product … that would “fix” all your problems and make you one of these millionaire girlies … ONLY to be left 🤷🏽‍♀️ wondering what to do next after your purchase! 🥹I have done it, not once, twice but MULTIPLE times thinking … this is it! ☝️ this is the “game changing” product … 👀 it wasn’t. Truth of the matter is, buying all these “DFY Products” won’t get you anywhere closer to more money … if you don’t get your a$$ up and do something about it first. Work with what you do have If you continue with all the knowledge you’ve gained and invest in HELP, not just the so called “answer” (products). If you continue with the cliche advice, you’ll learn a few things about your persistence and your productivity. Continue … Being consistent Showing up, even when you aren’t feeling it Making an effort, when life gives you excuses JUST START your journey & Create your FREEDOM FOLLOW ME for consistent honest post about business, digital marketing, life & wealth. I am a creative freelancer & success coach, my role is to guide individuals or businesses in developing effective online marketing strategies. This includes areas like social media, content marketing, ads and analytics etc. I’ve recently done “DFY Products” That ANY business/brand can implement these high sales skills for digital marketing for themselves that come with my coaching! If you’re interested in creating FREEDOM in your life or have questions about marketing or strategies for your business/personal brand DM ME “info” for more knowledge! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passiveincome #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #fyp #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypシ

💪Struggling till Success 🛣️Not everybody’s progress through their journey to success is going to look the same. That’s what makes each individual’s story that much more unique. 🤕Struggle is a part of your success. If success was easy to obtain, then everybody would be successful. Although success is within an own persons, opinions for themselves, there are still struggles that go along with trying to become their version of successful. 😳I realized, I thought I struggle with being a perfectionist when really, it was just my procrastination and overthinking that was holding me back from my goals. So I decided that structure was definitely a MUST in my life. I started a daily schedule and personal journals and really nailed down what was a NEED in my life. ✨I am old fashion, so I believe taking down notes (digitally or paper) and setting reminders is what my road to success looks like. The structure that will keep me grounded in my plans to succeed. 🤎If you’re feeling like your life is a little chaotic, out of control, unpredictable, or maybe you’re just needing to organize your time management and nail down What’s a need for YOU -just know that you’re not alone. 🍪My name is Cookie Sol, I am an ordinary individual who is a creative freelancer & success coach. who happens to be an entrepreneur and mom. I help others like me and other individuals with completely different backgrounds, create their FREEDOM that they deserve! 📤I finally sat down and created my first PLR product that I’d love to give you a sneak peek into 🫣 💭 what’s something you need structure in? 📩If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to DM me the word, “SWEET” or head to the top of my bio for more information! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads. Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #struggle #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passiveincome #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks #fyp #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypシ

💰I’M RICH! 🤔I mean, soon I will be 😆 2024 I NEED ALL WOMEN TO BE RICH 🤔 or on there way to becoming rich! Not just rich in wealth, but rich in love, abundance, health, rich in ALL aspects of your life! Start that dream business, go after your goals! Do something that’s going to not only make you money, but make you happy and not just settling because it’s paying your bills! There’s already been enough excuses this year! If not now? When? 🤷🏽‍♀️ I decided 4 months ago to start This“semi-faceless” account where I coach individuals on making money providing the things they love to do already! And I can help you too! How? It starts with you! YOUR determination, YOUR consistency, YOUR drive, YOUR WHY! Anyone can sell DMP, MRR, PLR, anywhere on any platform. But it’s up to YOU to make a difference in your life, implementing high skill sets & investing in your life (much like college) I am a creative freelancer and digital marketing & success coach, my role is to guide individuals or businesses in developing effective online marketing strategies. This includes areas like social media, content marketing, ads and analytics etc. If you’re interested in creating FREEDOM in your life or have questions about marketing digital products or strategies for your business/personal brand. 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passiveincome #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks #fyp #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypシ

What are you sitting around for?! 💾 SAVE this for motivation for later❗️ GET UP! You’ve spent enough time “recovering” Enough time procrastinating …waiting for the perfect moment …watching everybody else win …waiting for your life to magically ✨change …hoping for a savor or “lucky break” …not showing up for set goals …wasting time Don’t Quit on yourself! I know it’s hard, I know it’s frustrating, I know this seems like this will break you … but I promise you, you’ve been through far greater then this and this won’t be the last. But just like you’ve gotten through all your other challenges and those worries, doubts, etc. passed and you grew, so shall this! Your future self will be glad that you had took out the time to focus on your success. If the price of being uncomfortable for a couple months/years, to then have a lifetime and possibly generational wealth is too expensive.. too “much” then your mindset is not one like a millionaires STOP sitting around on all this success you could be generating and GO 4 IT! If your seeing this, you’ve stumbled across a personal growth success coach & Creative Freelancer who shares daily motivational post & inspiration that’s still small enough to answer every DM & comment I’m cookie & I’m Excited to have the opportunity to help others with coaching and finding their FREEDOM out of life. Yes through social media! Whether that be with entrepreneur, coaching, business and or life skills.✨ Comment “🍪” for more info 💜FOLLOW me @dm.cookisol for inspiration on success, wealth & FREEDOM! and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passiveincome #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks #fyp #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypシ

ALL LIES! 👀Well … Maybe not ALL lies ☝️ but the truth HAS definitely been stretched! I know you’ve been seeing these “6-figure courses” that will make you wealthy within a couple of weeks! 🤔While though it is possible, it definitely is not realistic. I have a few of far fetched-stretched expectations that you should be aware of BEFORE starting your Digital Marketing Journey! 💾SAVE this post for a reminder for later! It’s NOT EASY - YES it can be simple BUT it’s time consuming, sometimes your catering to disbelieving individuals & you have to digest A LOT of information to understanding these skills! ♟️You get out what You put in - especially when starting a FRESH account, CONSISTENCY is a must. My BIGGEST advice is ☝️ instead of looking at how much you can post in a day, look at how much you can post in a total of 7 days! And My Personal Favorite! 🕰️”TIME FREEDOM”- I understand how people may believe that you can run a business AS A NEWBIE … ABSOLUTELY HANDS FREE! 😒let’s be grown ups about this and be realistic - there’s going to be some leg work in: learning, setting up & finally receiving passive income! 😌After that process is complete, you can then start to have more TIME FLEXIBILITY! Where working as little or as much while your automations process will still bring in 💰 while you just Market! 🙌🏾 NOW the GOAL is to finally have enough individuals supporting working along side you that you hire to allow yourself to be HANDS FREE & HAVE TIME FREEDOM! 🌟Whatever your FREEDOM is for YOU, you owe it to yourself to try and I mean REAPPLY try at least ONCE to GO 4 IT! 💜I’m 🍪 a creative freelancer and success coach! feel free to follow me @dm.cookiesol for motivation & inspiration on success, wealth & FREEDOM! If you’re interested in creating FREEDOM in your life or have questions about marketing digital products or strategies for your business/personal brand, DM ME @dm.cookiesol & let me know how I can help you! Xoxo -🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passiveincome #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #fyp #fypシ

YOU ARE NOT THEM! there’s some individuals out there who love their 9-to-5 job or career! It may truly give them a purpose to wake up every morning and that’s totally normal. unfortunately, this post isn’t for those people 😌 To be fairly honest with you, my whole account actually isn’t for those type of people ☺️ ☝️And I already have an understanding that my target audience may still be in those type of people settings BUT craving more out of life! And that’s totally normal as well! 🤗that’s the beauty of evolution, the beauty of change, you only have one constant in your life & that’s YOU! Only you can determine what’s best for YOU, only you can determine the changes that happen in your life. 🌟It’s all YOU! That’s exactly where I began my journey, I started with what I CAN change! And one day you’ll wake up and feel the same too and maybe that day is TODAY! 🍪My name is Cookie and I am a personal growth, success coach, and currently I am pursuing marketing, my own digital products to not only help those wanting to succeed in the digital world but also gain wealth from social media! 🔍If you stumble across my page, that means you’ve been looking for another financial opportunity. Maybe a side hustle, maybe another stream of income! With my digital products, I help each and everyone of my clients until they’re off the ground! 👀If this interests you, comment “Ready” I also encourage you to please follow @dm.cookiesol & join the Cookie community! 🍬The journey only gets sweeter from here and I wouldn’t want you to miss a bit of it! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passiveincome #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks #fyp #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypシ

Yes! DM can make YOU 💸 “DM” or “Digital Marketing” has been making ordinary people money off of reselling ONE MRR product over and over again! This past weekend, my husband & I were celebrating his birthday. I had nothing to worry about while my products were on autopilot helping others achieve their FREEDOM in their life’s! I know you’ve been seeing these courses popping up on your stories, your personal page & your other social medias ALL about making money from a course! There’s a reason why everyone is hopping on this trend 🚂AND THAT’S BECAUSE IT WORKS! Just like going to a college, to sign up for a class, to learn knowledge from a teacher, who’s gotten a piece of paper “certificate” stating that they can teach you knowledge from themselves and from books 🤔maybe even Google 👀 🧐 so what’s the difference 🤷🏽‍♀️? 🔎Taking digital marketing courses could be the financial opportunity you’ve been looking for! If your seeing this, you’ve stumbled across a personal growth success coach & Creative Freelancer who shares daily motivational & inspiration post, who happens to be an entrepreneur & MOM! If you’re ready to start your journey on creating the FREEDOM in your life to start living the way you want to - DM me @dm.cookiesol “READY” for your freebie and added to my “cookies community” for ALL my products! 🔜I have a whole starter kit dropping soon so you’re not going to want to miss it⚠️ 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passiveincome #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks #fyp #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypシ

Yes! DM can make YOU 💸 “DM” or “Digital Marketing” has been making ordinary people money off of reselling ONE MRR product over and over again! This past weekend, my husband & I were celebrating his birthday. I had nothing to worry about while my products were on autopilot helping others achieve their FREEDOM in their life’s! I know you’ve been seeing these courses popping up on your stories, your personal page & your other social medias ALL about making money from a course! There’s a reason why everyone is hopping on this trend 🚂AND THAT’S BECAUSE IT WORKS! Just like going to a college, to sign up for a class, to learn knowledge from a teacher, who’s gotten a piece of paper “certificate” stating that they can teach you knowledge from themselves and from books 🤔maybe even Google 👀 🧐 so what’s the difference 🤷🏽‍♀️? 🔎Taking digital marketing courses could be the financial opportunity you’ve been looking for! If your seeing this, you’ve stumbled across a personal growth success coach & Creative Freelancer who shares daily motivational & inspiration post, who happens to be an entrepreneur & MOM! If you’re ready to start your journey on creating the FREEDOM in your life to start living the way you want to - DM me @dm.cookiesol “READY” for your freebie and added to my “cookies community” for ALL my products! 🔜I have a whole starter kit dropping soon so you’re not going to want to miss it⚠️ 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passiveincome #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks #fyp #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypシ

Da Lu Lu stage✨ 💾SAVE & FOLLOW for more motivation later💛 Delusional as pigs🐖flying🪽 I will forever be “delusional till successful” maintaining unknowing beliefs & confidence in my goals and abilities! Even when others doubt or criticize my journey 🙄 It’s all about Persisting in pursuit of success despite challenges or setbacks. That’s what becoming a successful entrepreneur/millionaire is! While confidence can be a powerful motivator, it’s essential to balance it with a realistic goals of the situation and the willingness to adapt or seek help when necessary. When starting my Digital Product Journey of course I was finding every “Free Sample” I could get my hands on. 😅 soon realizing I was a member of dozens of e-mail campaigns I found that didn’t even provide all the inside information to actually running and sustaining a business on auto pilot. So I did it… I invested into a MRR course and support group and it was like everything was clear. 🌧️I can see clearly now the rain has gone!😄 💵You have to spend money to make money 🤷🏽‍♀️ that’s just the way our world functions. I’ve been in the digital space for years and I can say that Marketing your Own Niched Digital Products is soon going to be how MORE individuals bring in side money. Much like my semi-faceless account (your reading from now) so many others, hundreds even thousands are finding financial opportunities doing this! If your seeing this, you’ve stumbled across a personal growth success coach & Creative Freelancer who shares daily motivational post & inspiration! I’ve created a Starter-kit that includes not just one Digital product but SEVEN that ALL have MRR Attached and that can ALL BE RESOLD for 100% PROFIT! COMMENT “FREEDOM” to receive my freebie and be the first to know when this starter-kit is dropped on your table! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passiveincome

YOU should be your Goal✨ 💾SAVE & FOLLOW for motivation for later Your goal should always be to put YOU first because without you 🤷🏽‍♀️ who’s going to run the show 🎪 People think you just wake up one day and say 🤔 “hey I think I’ll be an entrepreneur” then BOOM it happens! You’ve made it, your a millionaire 🫢 Well that surely seems to be the goal for most, no matter how far fetched it may seem. Everyone wants to be a millionaire heck millionaires want to stay millionaires … so it’s not uncommon. What seems uncommon can always become the norm if enough people (you) can create that reality All types of individuals from all around the world 🌎 have been getting into this new side hustle that’s allowing them to reach 5,6,7 figures with just there own knowledge! Marketing Niche Digital Products like e-books, courses, templates and so much more has NEVER been so obtainable for reaching those goal setting figures. And it’s all because of *Master Resell Rights* or you’ve may have seen *MRR* which has helped thousands of people resell ALREADY DONE FOR YOU Products that only require rebranding for marketing! The best part is once you invest in the product by the first sell you’ve already earned your money back and reselling it over and over again keeping 100% of that money 👏🏾 PROFIT! 🚂Jump on this train while you still can before you’ve been wishing you had. Your goals are waiting for you! 👀 Reminder that it takes a lot of pressure to form a diamond 💎 Comment “💜” for more info I’m cookie 🍪 a Digital Marketer & Success coach for guiding others to develop success in certain areas of their life and create the FREEDOM in their life! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

Find your joy & START 💾 SAVE & FOLLOW for motivation later😉 A lot of the times I get asked “well where do you begin when first starting out?” 🤔 and me being as blunt as I am … I say JUST START! It may be the most obvious answer but 9/10 people don’t begin to fulfill there goals just because there to afraid to START! Wether it’s … -Tired from working your 9-5 -Not financially stable -Annoyed with living pay period to pay period -Wanting to become your own boss but to lazy -Lack the resources/time You need to find that time, that motivation for the goals in your life! You make time for your job/career You make time to watch tv/YouTube You make time to scroll (& read this 😝) So why 🤷🏽‍♀️ can’t you find the time to work on showing up for yourself to better your situation & CREATE FREEDOM in the way you live? If your reading this, you’ve stumbled across a personal growth success coach & Creative Freelancer who shares daily motivational post & inspiration! 🍪My name is Cookie Sol! I am an ordinary individual who happens to be an Entrepreneur and Mom. I help women, entrepreneurs, college students, and anyone else wanting to create their FREEDOM that they deserve! So Excited to have the opportunity to help others with coaching and finding their freedom out of life. Comment below “Freedom” for more info 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #viral #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

Ain’t no Mountain high Ain’t no valley low Ain’t no river wide enough …for your success to groww🎶 I love that song 💾feel free to SAVE(👀*screenshot*)for motivation for later! You are the only one putting limits on what you can achieve 🤷🏽‍♀️ your success isn’t a straight shot to victory … there’s dips, twist & turns. The sky is your NOT your limit 🚀To infinity and beyond☝️… and then some I used to think that when I wanted to create a business that it would have to be so original that nobody else thought of the idea. But, if you look around every business damn near sales the same thing 🤔 grocery stores- all sell food, essentials, toiletries. Toilet paper companies- all sale the same thing …paper to wipe your ass. So why, when we want to become an entrepreneur, we believe that it will have to take every fiber in our being to be so original, when it simply just takes scoping out what your competition doesn’t have an offering where things seem to be overlooked I have invested in the knowledge and high skill sets to give me the ingredients to have the opportunity for more finances. Creating journals, affirmation prompts and invitations was the doorway that I walked through to creating more than I ever could imagine. So when I started marketing my own digital products, it was very familiar territory. If you’re already using Canva for your personal use and you’re interested in learning more about digital products, than you’re halfway there in marketing your own products I have spent hours, days, weeks on creating digital products, and though it’s a great skill to have (I encourage all my clients to do so) there’s been a shift in making more money w| “master resell rights” People are attaching these “MRR” to their own creations so that way other people are able to sell these products for 100% profit. YOU make an investment from the for sale! I have a whole product kitchen with DFY Digital Marketing MRR Products that you can resell and create the FREEDOM that you desire! 💜DM ME @dm.cookiesol for more info and FOLLOW to join the journey! Xoxo-🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #passiveincome

Repeating yourself I’m MORE THEN SURE you’ve heard of having Consistency, more hooks, more CTA’s, trending music, maybe posting at a certain times 🤷🏽‍♀️ well I can guarantee you haven’t repeated yourself enough I know, I know it can feel redundant but I promise you the human brain needs at least 7-10 times seeing something like an ad or offer before even looking in to what that product/purchase has to offer them. Odds are if you’ve posted everyday of the week there’s still hundreds of others who haven’t seen it, yet ☝️ Just because you haven’t went “viral” doesn’t mean that you aren’t growing. Having 4k views on your site/account/post isn’t being shown to ALL your target audience. If anything maybe 2.5k of them are your target audience, only 700 could be interested at that specific time. Leaving maybe 320 who actually make a purchase 🤔 so from 4k views to around 300 sales! Converting your audience into loyal clients who continue to follow your journey after the purchase is the number ONE way to stay in business. Ever felt like you were sold a dream DFY Digital Product … that would “fix” all your problems and make you one of these millionaire girlies … ONLY to be left 🤷🏽‍♀️ wondering what to do next after your purchase! ONE TO MANY TIMES has that happened to me in the past and when becoming a coach I told myself I’ll be the most hands on I (or my future team) could possibly be! And that’s what I deliver, Cookie here 👋 bringing you all the ingredients you needed to have the opportunity to create the FREEDOM YOU DESERVE! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

Repetitiveness 💾FIRST 👀 SAVE this for motivation later Post the Content, just post the content! it doesn’t matter If you don’t think it’ll get a lot of views. it doesn’t matter if it’s not like everybody else’s. It’s yours! it’s your content! so JUST POST THE DAMN CONTENT! Take this post for example … I had zero intentions on posting this … right now … at this very moment! but here I am … in the captions, making a caption for this reel that has been sitting in my drafts for OVER two weeks 😬🫢 Just because I thought of a great CTA and I didn’t know the perfect caption to attached to it! Sometimes you have to be real with yourself AND your audience! ⛈️It’s not all sunshine’s and rainbows you have to get THROUGH a storm before coming out better on the other side. in fact ☝️ that’s actually how most entrepreneurs start! 😤Sick and tired of the same old same old and wind up having a “great” idea that leads you down this rabbit hole of information that inspires you! 😵‍💫“Delusional” goals have been set and people think you’ve lost your marbles … until you’ve made it, then you’re a genius🎖️ 🗓️Truth of the matter is, if you’ve been only trying out your new venture or on your new journey for less than four months, you’ve barealy have gotten to the meat and potatoes! I would say, you’re doing great! just keep up the consistency and add more value to your content. Sometimes nothing is wrong at all! Repetition and dedication are just a part of keeping your business alive 🌷Everything in life has one thing in common, everything changes, nothing stays the same! We evolve, we learn, we grow. That’s a part of life. 💫You see what works and see what doesn’t. You try, try, fail and try again! Just a reminder that a winner is just a loser who tried one more time! 💛If your seeing this, you’ve stumbled across a personal growth success coach & Creative Freelancer who shares daily motivational post & inspiration 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts

Judge Judy & Forbes Women Judge Judy has always been a STONG women, I remember when I was younger my grandmother would put her on our old box satellite tv 😂 (yes I’m that old) It didn’t matter who you were she was going to tell you what you needed to hear & It didn’t matter if you wanted to hear it, 😂 when you stepped into her courtroom you had better come correct ☝️ At such a young age I never knew what it ACTUALLY took or looked like, to become a strong, smart, independent stable women. And not just financially stable but also mentally stable, Body, Mind & Soul. I think it’s taken me this long to recognize and actually take steps forward into become better than I was yesterday or the day before. That’s what I assist others with as well, not only women but other individuals achieve the success they’re wanting to gain. Out of life, mindset, career etc. I created this “semi-faceless” Digital Marketing account to not only motivate myself but others to be inspired to go out and be a fucking bad ass boss. Following your own passions and goals. If your seeing this, you’ve stumbled across a personal growth success coach & Creative Freelancer who shares daily motivational post & inspiration that’s still small enough to answer every DM & comment 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

👀 I know you’ve seen the “little side hustles” 💾First Save this to come back later for motivation ✨ This side hustle is actually predicted to make millions to even billions this year! So why is this good news for you? Well the good news is that this industry is not over saturated yet. If you missed any of the other “waves” of financial opportunities DON’T MISS THIS ONE! Done-For-You Digital Products has helped ALL types of individuals Moms, Women, College Students, Entrepreneurs, self employed individuals who have niched down and teach others on there personal knowledge through ebooks and other digital products. Constantly putting your goals on the back burner while your 9 to 5 consumes you and all your energy is not something I ever wanted to do full time until I retired at hopefully 60 which the human life expectancy gets lower by the years. Don’t let your 9 to 5 define you, find time to make room for your FREEDOM. Anyone can sell DMP, MRR, PLR, anywhere on any platform. But it’s up to YOU to make a difference in your life, implementing high skill sets & investing in your life like I did! 🍪My name is Cookie Sol! I am an ordinary individual who is a Creative Freelancer & Success Coach, who happens to be an Entrepreneur and Mom. I help others like me and other individuals with completely different backgrounds, create their FREEDOM that they deserve! Excited to have the opportunity to help others with coaching and finding their freedom out of life. Yes through social media! Whether that be with entrepreneur, coaching, business and or life skills.✨ 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

Only a few times 😂 🙋🏾‍♀️ How many of us have thought that the more time we spend on a reel or product that the more likely it will go “viral” or have the most views or clicks for funnels or THIS will be the “Big sale” Checking on it constantly just to find that you have a few likes, maybe one share and an empty comment section. Intrusive thoughts have you wondering “well what’s wrong with my post? did it not resonate with people? did it not reach enough people?” I’ve thought it all, I’ve been through it all and I can tell you that it’s not you. It’s the audience that your post/ad/product is being shown to. See, the algorithm needs to get to know you a bit better(🤣 maybe over coffee) so it’s just throwing your post out there, seeing what sticks, seeing who reacts to what you have to offer…rinse & repeat After that, you’ll soon find that you’ll be growing more constantly after the three month threshold of any normal new account, reaching more and more people that cater to what you’re trying to sell so keep posting, keep making an effort, keep up the consistency because sooner or later, something will work! You Never know If you give up today 🤔 tomorrow could’ve been the turning point -keep moving forward! Remember to continuously try new methods every other week or so just to see what people are more interested in. If your seeing this, you’ve stumbled across a personal growth success coach & Creative Freelancer who shares daily motivational post & inspiration that’s still small enough to answer every DM & comment 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

Start Anyway! Taking that first step towards becoming a business owner an entrepreneur, a digital marketer, a nail tech, a hairstylist, a makeup artist, Director whatever the beginning of your journey is, I KNOW when you look in to yourself it may feel like “Is this the right step?” i’m here to tell you YES! Any step towards bettering your future, no matter how long it takes should be an AUTOMATIC YES! Because it’s better than sitting around, waiting for someone to figure it out for you SORRY that’s just not gonna happen 😬 Everything seems like A LOT when you’re first starting out taking that first step, venturing into something completely unknown. Of course it’s going to be a lot of information all at once especially if you take the initiative and source a coach, a course, a class, a mentor etc. etc. But just like going to get a college degree or a trade school or even going into some insurances companies that I’ve worked for before. It takes money to make money and that’s just the way life is … we don’t have to like it, that’s just what it is And what do we do if we can’t fight them? we can’t fight not relying on money, so you join them! you don’t save money you learn how to make MORE money So as your success coach, I advise you to take a chance on yourself and go out and find reliable, coaches or courses. Whatever, it doesn’t even have to be with me. Just find a way to obtain more knowledge 🧐 Because the more you know, the more you grow, and the more you can teach other people 💡 If you don’t know who I am, my name is cookie, I am a success coach, a digital marketer, a entrepreneur and MOM and I have spent the last 5+ years, trying to create more and more FREEDOM in my life and coaching others how to succeed in that as well! i’ve started this “semi faceless” digital marketing account to not only show people that you can grow naturally just by being yourself 🔗At the 🔝 of my bio I have DFY Digital Products that have MRR to resell for 100% PROFIT! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #mrr

Fuck a 9-5❗️ Sorry for that🫢 I get a little passionate, when wanting to create my FREEDOM! As we all should, why not put as much effort into our own dreams then just working to sustain someone else’s Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t make money online! There are hundreds of ways to make multiple streams of income just from different forms of selling online. So to sit here and say ☝️”a 9 to 5 is the only way to sustain living” would be a BOLD FACED LIE. 😌and we don’t do that here! IF YOU ARE… 🙇🏽‍♀️Feeling stuck in the same 9-5 cycle 💵Wanting to have extra cash on the side promoting the things that you believe in 📲Sitting at home scrolling wondering how to gain another financial opportunity 💸Searching for passive income 💻Or maybe a business that could eventually run itself Then as your success coach i’d advise to look into Marketing Niched Digital Products on a new account! I’m sure you know about DFY Digital Products and if you don’t then here’s a brief summary. Digital products are; Anything that’s not tangible which would be something you can easily download like an ebook, planner, journal, audiobook, course etc. MRR/PLR - is the rights ATTACHED to the digital product allowing buyers to have the rights to resell the digital content for 100% PROFIT❗️ And lucky for you that’s ALL I sell, if you have any more questions I have a FAQ highlight at the top of my bio. Don’t now where to start? How about your niche, I have a guidebook to nailing down your niche just DM ME @dm.cookiesol THE WORD “niche” for your freebie to see if your interested in reselling the full version for 100%profit in your product suite 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

💸Profits on Autopilot Setting up automations for your business/brand can be a little nerve-racking. Figuring out that you ready to start a new journey is just the first step! Yeah, your excited and anxious to begin but not knowing where to start can deter a lot of people from even starting. I know that’s one of the reasons why I never started because I just didn’t know where to start! 🤷🏽‍♀️ it seem like everybody who was venturing the same path that I was trying to take, had it ALL figured out😕 ☝️When in fact, no one knows how anything in their life is going to play out. So as much as they were taking risk, I thought to myself 🤔 why not do the same🤷🏽‍♀️ if they can do it … why can’t I? 💰So I invested, I invested in myself in my knowledge, in the high skill sets that I have learned & that can be implemented with ANY Niche, business, brand etc. 📖I took that learning experience much like doing the same with attending college, (which I have done) and I am implementing them into my “semi faceless” account 👀 that you’ve landed on while reading this Gaining the FREEDOM to work where I want to work, work when I feel like working, and show up for myself on a constant basis because this is MY brand AND is already hitting milestones I’ve set. So No, betting on your self will not have INSTANT results. It takes patience. It takes time it takes dedication. It takes consistency … all things that we have heard countless of times 😌because they work. No, they’re not going to pan out with the same results as the next person to you, but your journey is still your journey and you’ll soon find what works for you & flourish! if you’re new to this account, I’m cookie 🍪 I am a success coach & digital marketer. I’m also an entrepreneur and MOM, a regular individual making a difference to coach others on succeeding with digital marketing within their niche, things that they already love. 💛If you found this post resonated with your journey your on or you liked my post, please feel free to follow me @dm.cookiesol Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts

Easier said than done 😌I know I know it’s easier said than done to make money online, especially with everybody promoting “get rich quick” digital products 🙌🏾Now, don’t get me wrong you could definitely become rich off of marketing your own digital products or even “done-for-you” products, I’ve even seen faceless accounts reach six figures off of marketing their own products/done-for-you products so it’s not unheard of 🧐The misleading part is when they make it seem like it’s an overnight success, like getting rich is easy! It’s definitely obtainable, especially with consistency and a high-income skill. But when first starting out it’s far from easily obtainable overnight success. 💎Here are some things to keep in mind, when wanting to start your brand/business 🕰️It will be time consuming when setting up the automations, to then have time flexibility to spend the day however you please and set your own hours 🔁It can be repetitive if you do not have fun with it, especially if you’re just copying and pasting what the next person has and not leverage your vibe✨ 💰You won’t become a millionaire overnight ! I know shocking the Internet over exaggerates. By the time someone first makes their first six figures and you witness it for the first time they’ve probably spent months strategizing and marketing themselves to where they deserved it! Hardly ever do you see an overnight success become a millionaire at the same time. 💿And at risk at sounding like a broken record, *but not really caring because I know it always pays off* is staying true to who YOU are and branding your self efficiently with your target audience in mind.*back to leveraging your vibe * 🍪My name is Cookie Sol, I am an ordinary individual who is a creative freelancer & success coach. who happens to be an entrepreneur and mom. I help others like me and other individuals with completely different backgrounds, create their FREEDOM that they deserve! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #passiveincome

JUST START❗️ I spent way to many MONTHS just watching and wondering how people got to the 10k milestones by just posting or marketing products on social media! Instead of just jumping in, I procrastinated on the changes no one else could make in my life BUT ME. Starting and Stoping ever new opportunity I took to try and make money digitally out of fear of failing. But if you don’t fail are you even trying? Not being consistent is what gives not only me but anyone a chance in growing any brand/business impossible. Staying consistent not only shows the algorithm that you’re here to stay, but also your consumers. I told myself, this is my year of change! No more procrastination, No more pouring everything I have into businesses that aren’t mine! This is also the year of growth! Not only for me but for those around me and those following me on this journey! 🍪My name is Cookie Sol, I am an ordinary individual who is a creative freelancer & success coach. who happens to be an entrepreneur and mom. I help others like me and other individuals with completely different backgrounds, create their FREEDOM that we all deserve! Excited to have the opportunity to help others with coaching and finding their freedom out of life. Yes through social media! Whether that be with entrepreneur, coaching, business and or life skills.✨ 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation! let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

Who else will 🤷🏽‍♀️ if no one’s going to promote your business, why aren’t you promoting your Business? 💾 SAVE this for Motivation Later! YOU should be your businesses/brands BIGGEST cheerleader because at the end of the day, that’s exactly what it is YOUR business/brand! Now I know we all wish that watching our own reels & liking our own post, could add the views/likes that we need to go viral” but essentially it should just be you being the first one doing all of those and then those who believe in your journey will follow. So what! if it’s cringe if you’ve liked your own post, if you’re marketing your own products, if you’re transitioning into a stage of success where you’re happy, so what ! Growth starts from within, starts with YOU. How are you supposed to expect to grow if you are trying to rush everything? Rush the process rush the blessings? And then wonder why you get half assed results 🧐 Do you know how they tell you to set alarms so that way you’re not late and rushing to your destination … it’s the same thing, prepare as much as you can and enjoy the journey while you’re headed there because the end result mean nothing if you didn’t grasped the knowledge of the lessons when getting there. So take your time let your community get to know who you are and what is it you want to change or make a difference in the world? My name is Cookie I am an ordinary individual who is a Creative Freelancer & Success Coach. Excited to have the opportunity to help others with coaching and finding their freedom out of life. Yes through social media! Whether that be with entrepreneur, coaching, business and or life skills.✨ If you’re interested in creating FREEDOM in your life or have any questions about marketing digital products or strategies for your business/personal brand, DM ME & let me know how I can help you! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

Freedom to sleep I used to worry myself to sleep stressing about the future, well past the next day, weeks and months. But the fact of the matter is, you can’t sit back and complain or worry about the things you have no control over. Understanding that not everything will go as planned, I released what I had no grasp of anyway and started focusing on things I could change, my response, my actions & how I pivot from situations. Life is full of redirections because little do we know, the universe is protecting us from what’s not needed. The road is not straight and narrow … it’s everywhere all at once. That’s why you have to learn to love the journey along the way. Since starting this semi-faceless account it’s helped me connect with tons of different motivating, inspirational & successful individuals. Feeling part of a community helps combat loneliness. When you surround yourself with like minded successful people or those in a position you’d want to be in, it starts to drive your mind to look for ways to continuously grow, be inspired and problem solve. No entrepreneur, brand or Business has known what to do every step of the way. It’s the blind faith in themselves or what they’re creating that keeps them going, that keeps me going. Reminder to just take it a day at a time. Shoot for the moon 🌙 and if you happen not to make it - at least you’d be amongst the stars✨ 👋🏾 Cookie here, I am a creative freelancer & Success coach, If you’re interested in creating FREEDOM in your life or have questions about marketing digital products or strategies for your business/personal brand, please DM ME & let me know how I can help you! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #digitalmarketing #reelidea #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks #cookiesol

CONVERT! Convert your stories into sales! There are BILLIONS of eyes on social media EVERYDAY. So why aren’t you posting on your stories EVERYDAY! I know it’s harder than expected, I know it can be time consuming, trust me I know it’s exhausting being the only one showing up on your account. But that’s great 😃 You know what this down time gives you?… PRACTICE! Practice what your time schedule looks like around each hour of your day, practice on leveraging how you present yourself. Practice patience! You are on social media anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️ why not make a profit from being productive? Constantly scrolling mindlessly 👀 checking out what everyone else is doing while stating “I have no time” Leave it to everybody, NO ONE has time! YOU MAKE TIME, just like you made time to read this 😂 or made time to scroll instead of structuring a plan to make money while scrolling. Don’t know what to post or where to start? Check the 🔝 of my bio for any resell digital products. I currently just dropped my “Discover Wealth in CTA” Guidebook that has Plug-in Post and MORE with MRR so you can purchase | rebrand | resell for 100% PROFIT! 🍪My name is Cookie Sol, I am a creative freelancer & success coach. who happens to be an entrepreneur and mom. I’ve recently gotten into Marketing Digital Products, some Ive created and some that came DFY with MRR included! If that sounds like something you’re interested in I help others like me and other individuals with completely different backgrounds, create their FREEDOM that they deserve with marketing their life (niche)! DM me @dm.CookieSol for more details on how to start your journey to FREEDOM! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

Profit off of Post! Making money from your own creational thoughts have never been easier. This year could be the year where you make another source of finances. A side hustle could even be made out of marketing your very own digital products catered to your specific niche. 💾SAVE* If your seeing this and you’re interested in Marketing Digital Products THIS IS YOUR SIGN TO START! You never know what you could be making a couple months from now. It ALL starts with YOU! I have been in the Digital space and Sales space for well over 7 years. So from a personal stand point, I can tell you that STARTING your Digital Marketing journey isn’t as easy and glamorous as others make it seem. Don’t take everyone’s strategies at face value. Everything may not be as it seems and most times not everything everyone is doing will be for you. However, AFTER you get the groove of what works for YOU, and your automations set in place it will slowly become more and more simple to do. 4-6 hours of Marketing YOU/your brand can be the change you need in your life. I was working a full time 9 to 5 not satisfied with the outcome of all the time I dedicated to making someone else’s dreams function. Day in day out, doing the same constant routine. I’ve ALWAYS known that being my OWN BOSS was always my plan. So with Marketing my own Digital Products I knew I could do more of that. Since starting my “semi-faceless” account I’ve had so many interested & curious new followers 🤗 probably wondering what is it I promote and why do I do it 25/8 😆 🍪My name is Cookie Sol, I am a creative freelancer & success coach. who happens to be an entrepreneur and mom. I’ve recently gotten into Marketing Digital Products, some Ive created and some that came DFY with MRR included! If that sounds like something your interested in I help others like me and other individuals with completely different backgrounds, create their FREEDOM that they deserve with marketing their life (niche)! 💜DM me @dm.CookieSol for more details on how to start your journey to FREEDOM! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts

Commit! Commit to your goals! Commit to your dreams! You’ve been wanting, praying, searching for a change in your life. No, it’s nothing like what you’ve been expecting, that’s life. Let me ask you … if you knew how long or how much you had to go through … would you still go through your journey? … Probably NOT 😆 that’s why we are not shown all the steps towards our success. Yes we may know the direction we want to head towards, but we don’t know what the next year, heck even the next few weeks or months will look like. Enjoy the journey and learn to love the scenic route and slowly you start to feel it because even though it’s not physically in front of you, you can still see it happening! You see your dream life more and more each day! Through all the struggles I learned I had to remain focus and determined. Distractions are meant to come in all forms, good and bad because that’s what they are, distractions. But believe me, even the distractions are apart of your journey to have an experience with life while you make the life you dreamed. Everything is apart of your journey for a reason. Starting my journey I have everything you could think of to stop me or discourage me to give up, but I haven’t! I’m still her and I will continue to show up to make a change in my life. Relentless is the season I’m in right now, because I’m not going to quit I’m giving it my all. No more giving up I’m showing up even if no one else does! I didn’t know where to start in the beginning either, I came across another mother promoting DFY digital products. I already made digital products with my other businesses so it wasn’t unfamiliar. Fast forward months I’ve created a few of my own digital products and dedicate my days to promoting and marketing my very OWN DFY Digital products WITH MRR so you can resell for 100% over and over again! 🔗 check out the 🔝 of my bio 🤗 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive

What is it you do? Now I know you’ve all been hearing about those Digital marketers that can change your life with their courses and resell with MRR products. I’m no stranger to them either, Digital marketing has given me the tools to make something out of myself. However let’s face it it is misconstruing with the “Digital Marketing can change your life with just ONE course!” but in fact that’s a LIE! Nothing can change your life but YOU, and NO it’s not going to be easy. Nothing in life worth having and keeping is going to be easy all the time. The ups and downs are just the heartbeat of life and you only have ONE. So what are you going to do with yours? I help ordinary individuals and creative freelancers find their freedom out of life. And that’s freedom in any form, in anything they desire and want to succeed out of their life. Whether that’s financial freedom, freedom to travel, being worry free, even time flexibility that could eventually turn into time freedom. I’ve took many years of letting my creative talents fall short of not living up to what their potential holds and keeping them arms length as a hobby. When in reality you can love what you do and make money from it. With whatever you love, just by making it marketable and a necessity. How? It starts with you! YOUR determination, YOUR consistency, YOUR drive, YOUR WHY! Anyone can sell DMP, MRR, PLR, anywhere on any platform. But it’s up to YOU to make a difference in your life, implementing high skill sets, investing in your life (much like college), Being disciplined with your choices and remaining true to yourself and your morals! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

As my life goes… From the up’s and downs out of life, BALANCE is 🔑 At times I find that to be hard with, Home, Work, Businesses, Kids(fur ones too) AND still doing a balancing act when life throws MORE curve balls. I took a well deserved break from everything that I couldn’t handle mentally for a couple of days. Life gets hard and sometimes showing up is the hardest part BUT it’s the first step that could always led you to transforming. But that’s how life goes 😅 that’s the heart beat of life, the good the bad the ugly and the beautiful. To want it all, you have to have it all. That’s what’s beautiful about evolution, the change it brings. Change is scary, but very much a necessity in life or the world would just be stuck in it’s ways, never growing. Everyone and everything is meant to grow! I’ve been growing my following for little past a month now and though it’s not thousands, its way more then I expected for a semi-faceless account! With no true expectations my intentions were to just grow a community of supportive individuals wanting to help each other reach there FREEDOM Marketing Digital Products has allowed me to claim some of my freedom back! Promoting my DFY products that come with Resell Rights I know they can be the jumpstart to YOUR successful business/brand! Looking to see if it’s meant for you … I have a FREEBIE 🔗in my bio AND 🔜 MORE ON THE WAY! My DFY products are customizable to your specific brand or can be resold as is! It’s really that simple to start if you have no time to make your own products right now. Just Purchase | Rebrand | Resell DM me @dm.CookieSol for more details on how to start your journey to FREEDOM! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

A month later … Okay so it’s officially been 46 days since I’ve started my “semi-faceless” digital marketing journey and I’m not a millionaire☝️but I still have value in this account! Just as much as I’ve gained followers, I’ve lost a couple apples from my tree and I’m not mad about it. It’s just weeding out those who aren’t inspired to make a change with my offers/experiences. That’s what gaging your target audience deals with, your crowd will soon stick beside you as you continue to grow and show more of your beliefs, likes, pet peeves etc. I’ve learned more patience & discipline with growing my community. Not everyone has that “over-night success” becoming a millionaire in the blink of an eye! Little do we see of all the hard work that anyone, we believe has had “All the luck” When they’ve been praying/waiting for their breakthrough. Luck is when perpetration & dedication synchronizes with the right opportunity. The universe works off of multiplying what it is given. If you’re giving the universe nothing but bad thoughts, negativity and bad vibes … what do you think you’ll attract? 🤷🏽‍♀️ For me it’s not all about the money, I’m enjoying the ride, the experience & the lessons this journey has to offer me. Think about the worst that could happen from you betting on yourself 🤔… Now remember this, you’ll more then likely still be alive & 🤷🏽‍♀️ the worst is you go back to a “regular” 9-5 and NO it’s not the greatest BUT not the end of the world. So as your success coach 😌 I say TAKE A CHANCE ON YOURSELF! At least once ☝️in THIS lifetime! The same universe that gave you the GREAT idea, will give you the clients to succeed! If your new here, 👋🏾 I’m 🍪 I am a creative freelancer, digital marketing & success coach! 💜If you’re interested in creating FREEDOM in your life or have questions about marketing digital products or strategies for your business/personal brand, DM ME @dm.cookiesol & let me know how I can help you! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

You’re Essential✨ Imposter syndrome is a real thing when trying to pursue a Business/brand or anything that involves giving all of yourself into making something that you’re creating . But it’s important to sit with yourself and your thoughts and feelings, and knowing the direction you are wanting to go towards is going to include finding yourself This may come in waves, I know some days I feel more like myself more than ever and some days I feel so far away from who I believe myself to be that I take those days “brakes” I recommend anybody detoxing or taking breaks from things that are causing a lot of anxiety, just taking a step back and breathing and refocusing on your end goals know your worth because you are worth more than you give yourself credit for and once you’ve flourished in all that is you … add tax to that because you are a gift 💝 I’m currently learning how to love myself more and be more kind and patient with what I’m trying to create for my life and the FREEDOM that I know I can gain with helping others pursue the same thing 🍪My name is Cookie Sol! I am an ordinary individual who is a Creative Freelancer, Digital Marketer & Success Coach, who happens to be an Entrepreneur and Mom. 📩I have a DFY MRR Digital Product that allows you to convert your stories into sales! DM the word “SWEET” to start making sales TODAY! I help Moms, women, entrepreneurs & regular individuals like myself, create their FREEDOM that they deserve by Marketing Niched Digital Products! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

🗣️BELIVE IN YOU! 🧐If there’s one thing I can say about marketing digital products is that it can be personalized every which way and caters to any company that implements the skills. ✨ There has always been something about being true self that gave me authenticity and genuine vibes from a person. I should, I’ve been a sales rep for over 6+ years. My first job was literally selling lemonade 😆 📋Here are some things I can say I’ve learned from not only being in sales but also digital marketing. 🫂Both need human reaction, in some way or form at some point the consumers are going to need human interaction, especially if it’s not a well known brand. 🌆I’ve worked for big companies and small companies and all have a customer service department with real human interactions. Fact ☝️: they more than likely have a holding system or automated system before actually getting in touch with a real person but 🙌🏾 nonetheless there eventually has to be. 🤔No matter if you so call hate your expectation of others (because I hate to hate people) or you genuinely don’t mind human communication you can not lack in that department in my opinion. So why not make it personal 🤷🏽‍♀️ 🎭You see big brands marketing off of commercials and ads everyday. Do you know who the head of those companies even are? 9/10 people do not! 🙋🏾‍♀️me being one of them. But they have they’re target audience and create relatability in there marketing strategy. 💎Don’t think you couldn’t do this faceless … Big brands do it everyday without showing their face every day. (Half of our at home products are under one big umbrella company) If your brand is YOU make sure your audience knows who you are or at least your narrative! 🗞️ 🔗Needing help starting your journey or even furthering your current business check what’s in my bio for more info or DM. Me @dm.CookieSol the word “Pre-heat” Show up unapologetically YOU EVERY TIME & BELIEVE IN YOU! 💭 what’s something new you’re starting? Xoxo-🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #digitalmarketing #reelidea #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

Success Next I call this next episode “SUCCESS TO RICHES” but let’s be foreal 🙌🏾 A month in and I can tell you that I’m still not a millionaire, I still haven’t went viral, haven’t made too many sales and have not made it on the cover of Forbes magazine for $300,000 in 30 days But nonetheless, that has not discouraged me from continuing this journey. I’m not one to give up too easily. The persistence in me grows more and more as I see the bigger picture. My mental state is - my progression & my WHY will NOT allow me to quit! I have come this far, why turn back now? Providing a better situation not only for me but my family and who I surround myself with, is my WHY! Here are some of the things that I have noticed from a months worth of posting on my semi-faceless account: I have a further grasp on what times/days work best with my personal schedule for posting. Not necessarily every day, but more over towards how many post for the week as a whole. My motivation has gone through the roof even though I haven’t had too many confirm sales. I’ve still had the opportunity to gain the experience on how to talk & communicate to the individuals who are interested in the tools I have to guide them to their freedom I have gained more followers than I would’ve expected with me not having to constantly show my face and gaining the awareness of who my products are actually targeting and how to pivot if need be. Most importantly, I’ve gained more inspiration, seeing where some others who are in the same industry as me, where their attention is elsewhere. I want to provide, and help others gain from what hasn’t all been provided. So it’s helping me create more value within my products not being like everyone else. I am a creative freelancer and marketing & success coach, If you’re interested in creating FREEDOM in your life or have questions about marketing digital products or strategies for your business/personal brand, please DM ME & let me know how I can help you! 💭 what are your goals this year?! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪

✨Leverage your vibe 💾Make sure to save this for later🖤 🗣️If there’s one thing I can say about marketing digital products is that, it can be personalized every which way and caters to any company that implements the skills. ✨ There has always been something about being true to yourself that gave me authenticity and genuine vibes from a person. I should know, I’ve been a sales rep for over 6+ years. My first job was literally selling lemonade 😆 📋Here are some things I can say I’ve learned from not only being in sales but also digital marketing. 🫂Both need human interaction, in some way or form at some point the consumers are going to need human reaction especially if it’s not a well known brand. 🌆I’ve worked for big companies and small companies and all have a customer service department with real human interactions. Fact ☝️: they more than likely have a holding system or automated system before actually getting in touch with a real person but 🙌🏾 nonetheless there eventually has to be someone. 🤔No matter if you, so call “hate” your expectation of others (because I hate to hate people) or you genuinely don’t mind human communication, you can not lack in that department in my opinion. So why not make it personal 🤷🏽‍♀️ 🎭You see big brands marketing off of commercials and ads everyday. Do you know who the head of those companies even are? 9/10 people don’t ! 🙋🏾‍♀️me being one of them. But they have their target audience and create relatability in there marketing strategies. 💎Don’t think you couldn’t do this faceless … Big brands do it everyday without showing their face. (Half of our at home products are under one big umbrella company) If your brand is YOU make sure your audience knows who you are! 🗞️ 🔗Needing help starting your journey or even farthing your current business check what’s in my bio for more info OR 📩DM. Me @dm.CookieSol. Show up unapologetically YOU EVERY TIME & LEVERAGE YOUR VIBE! 💭what is your brand about? 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads. Xoxo-🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #digitalmarketing #reelidea #plr #mrrproducts

Goals✨>9-5⛓️ Not everybody loves there 9-5, corporate job or career and that’s totally okay and normal! We should be normalizing working for ourselves! You should always put your goals above any 9-5 that doesn’t serve you! No I’m Not saying to drop everything and run for the hills with your dreams in one hand and no clear grasp on what to do with it in the other… What I am saying is see where you spend the most time of your day just mindlessly scrolling to actually dedicate it to being paid for your post. Essentially cash for your creations! Marketing Digital Products isn’t the hardest thing in the world … in fact it is VERY beginner friendly! If your already creating your own journal prompts, schedules, invitations etc. on Canva your more then halfway there! Digital Products can be your financial opportunity to certain Freedoms you’ve been craving out of life. When You love or believe in the products you market it can become simple work to make passive income easy to obtain! 🍪 I’m Cookie! I am a creative freelancer and digital marketing & success coach, my role is to guide individuals or businesses in developing effective online marketing strategies. This includes areas like social media, content marketing, ads, analytics etc. I have a DFY MRR Product that I just dropped🔗at the 🔝 of my page that has plug-in product sales page so you can convert your stories into sales! If you’re interested in creating FREEDOM in your life with Digital Marketing or have questions about digital products or strategies for your business/personal brand, DM ME @dm.cookiesol & let me know how I can help you! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #trendingsounds #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach #growthhacks

😳NO. WAIT… STOP 🎩 well I bid you ado ✌️ 💾Save this as a reminder to yourself that if someone isn’t resonating with your content, products, business, vibe etc. ☝️ that is not your problem You CAN NOT cater to everyone, but that doesn’t mean I don’t try 😆 A lot of people starting a new venture, journey, account, business or anything feels discouraged when results aren’t instant … 🤔 and I’m just trying to figure out 🤷🏽‍♀️ would you want to eat fast food all your life? 😆you’re probably like Cookie what the hell are you talking about? Let me explain … fast food already isn’t good for you, it’s been proven if you didn’t know, NOW you know(look it up) so imagine what that “instant” food is doing to your mind. Well success is the same thing! Going “Viral” that instant progression can happen out of nowhere but I much rather be Prepaid, because I know it’s coming! And more then likely when someone who instantly goes viral doesn’t have a plan or structure it can instantly crumble before fully even developing. Even with a plan things still can fall out of that plan. I’ve created, branded, re-crafted a plan, failed and tried again. And that’s not even this time journey I’m currently on. I’m not everybody’s cup of tea 😊 but that’s cause I’m coffee. And maybe you are too, feel free to follow me 🍪My name is Cookie Sol! I am an ordinary individual who is a Creative Freelancer & Success Coach, who happens to be an Entrepreneur and Mom. I help others like me, Moms, Women, Entrepreneurs Dedicated Individuals as a whole, gain the knowledge for their FREEDOM they can create by starting Marketing their own niche Digital Products. If you’re interested in creating FREEDOM in your life or have questions about marketing digital products or strategies for your business/personal brand, DM ME @dm.cookiesol & let me know how I can help you! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪 #instagramgrowth #digitalproducts #cookiesol #digitalmarketing #reelidea #passiveincome #plr #mrrproducts #mrr #plrproducts #passive #womenindigitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcoach

Hey Hey everyone!👋🏾 My name is Kierra but formally known as “Cookie Sol” in the internet world 🌎 if you’re wondering who I am, I help ordinary individuals find their life’s freedom. Whatever path that means for them. My motto is -TAKE THE RISK FUCK THE FALL We are all grown now, so that phrase shouldn’t offend you. We’re all trying to figure out our own personal life’s purpose, while not being conformed to the preferred method’s of making money. The “old-school way” I’m so excited that those of you that were here from the beginning were along side me through this new chapter of my life! 📖 I’ve been consistent with my content on social media which I believe has been the stepping stone that I’ve needed to grow as a personal brand. From working “wanna be remote jobs” to door-to-door sales personnel, to insurance jobs, customer service jobs and even commission based and the list goes on. Ahh, yes … that was my Life’s regular 9 to 5 hamster wheel of fuckery 😆 If you’re anything like me, always have had that “entrepreneur itch” creative mind to do more, or maybe your good at talking/teaching then i know this is your sign to get outside of your comfort zone, try new things to experience life in a new light. I did it! I’m just a regular college drop out mom of one and dog mom of 2 labskies, who is creatively forcing her way to her dream life everyday! My MRR program can account for allowing me to make a change in my life. Not only helped with furthering my success as well as my businesses but also with my mental. My mindset and state of living has changed because I have changed. Change is necessary and it requires discipline. It doesn’t happen over night. So take that first step and find the courage to bet on yourself. Excited to have the opportunity to help others with coaching and finding their FREEDOMS out of life. 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads! Xoxo- 🍪

😄I said I was going to give it AND here it is! Turn your Social Media into a successfully brand/business. Excited to have the opportunity to help others with coaching and finding their freedom out of life. Yes through social media! Whether that be with entrepreneur, coaching, business and or life skills.✨ If you have a creative craving to do more with your life, other than just make someone else’s dream come true, why not bet on yourself instead? A FREEBIE Guide that’s a sneak peek into the Full PLR Version to see if this is needed for your brand 💜 I wanted to make this current freebie worth your while so for a limited time I’m offering free downloads. This digital product is originally priced at $8 Wanting to sell it as your own? Make this your first digital product for your brand! AND ITS DONE-for-YOU! I offer The Full PLR Version for ONLY $38! I’ve even included Sales post for stories/feed. To insure your full process is successful. All You have to do is Purchase, Rebrand & Resell! Yes it’s really THAT EASY! Just DM for the FULL VERSION! I am a creative freelancer and digital marketing coach, my role is to guide individuals or businesses in developing effective online marketing strategies. This includes areas like social media, content marketing, ads and analytics etc. If you’re interested in creating FREEDOM in your life or have questions about marketing digital products or strategies for your business/personal, DM ME & let me know how I can help you! 💜Follow me @dm.cookisol for more inspirational post and dash of motivation and let’s see where this journey leads. Xoxo- 🍪