
For the last 9 years… I have constantly lived with a mindset that I needed to focus on “losing weight or losing fat”. Always. Even when I was pregnant with my youngest, 4 years ago, I was worried about how much weight I was gaining. Y’all I am already a small person, the fact that I was obsessed with this sounds insane now. But I was and I think that is hard for anyone to admit. Admit, they are internally obsessed with what size they are because they are comparing themselves to another. In turn, they lose sight of the foundational basics; nutrient dense foods, resistance training, water, protein, walking, sleep, sunlight, and supplements. Why am I telling you this? Because for me I made a pivot recently and it has been changing my life. So, what is it? Arbonne. Before I move on let me tell you, when I would see others posting about how Arbonne was changing everything for them, I quite literally rolled my eyes and said yeah okay whatever. Lol. Here is the thing: the products you use, the companies core values, and who you surround yourself with make the most impact. Arbonne has been helping me break free from this lose instead of gain space that was ultimately hurting me in the long run. How? Because their philosophy is making and creating lifestyle changes that are sustainable and providing accessibility to products that have a next level standard. The better quality of a product you have = the better you feel. I have been using a few of their core products for 2.5 years. Up until recently, very inconsistently over those years and tbh I wasn’t willing to focus on sustainability because I wanted that quick result and to see progress fast. It didn’t matter if I was to gain weight later or hurt my hormones. As we all have heard before, it starts with making a decision to go all in and get through the toughest part which is giving up old habits and creating new ones. No longer is my focus on losing, it is more on what I can gain. Which for me is: My quality of life. My mission here is to help women create this same feeling of freedom. If you resonate with this, be brave, reach out, I am here for you. 🫶🏻KV

The post @kyra.tribby has been waiting 2.5 years to see from me. Truth be told, I sat back, observed, and prayed on this post for quite a while. Here’s why: ✨I wanted to be certain this was a direction God had intended for me to go. ✨This won’t be the first marketing company in the last 10 years I have partnered with, making it even harder due to the negative impact from previous companies. ✨Leadership, community, and support are vital for me. I wanted to be sure there really was all, and there is from all levels of leadership. ✨Ensuring the business structure was one that lucrative but also tangible without complete burn out. By far the best comp plan I have read through, even after working in a corporate setting where I thought it couldn’t get better than that. My love for the products, people, and places you can go is truly unmatched with this brand. I pray I can paint the vision for you because there is so much potential in life that we don’t see day to day. Grateful beyond measure to be learning and surrounded by remarkable top leaders @kyra.tribby @anissariggs @peytonsprogress the actual best of the best so I can pour that back into my future team and help my team build their own teams. The ripple effect will create huge impact I can’t even begin to fathom as somewhat of a beginner again. Cheers to being an independent consultant with Arbonne. A place where I finally get to combine my passions for both wellness and business, while bringing in 14 years of leadership, impacting women in a whole new way. Thank you, Jesus, for leading me here. much love, 🫶🏻 KV Life coaching | mindset coach | live boldly | how to build confidence | women empowerment | confidence coach | she who believes | women’s community | christian mom | Christian mama | business coach | christian community | christian women | christian woman | wellness | wellness tips | mentorship | health coaching |