Introducing Mogul's Audit Health Score ๐ถ
Our Audit health score is designed to give you an overview on the health of your catalog, providing you a breakdown of the % of high, medium, and low priority issues you should resolve.
Your overall % score is the percentage of royalty types you are properly registered for and collecting at the individual asset level. Mogul's Royalty Monitoring Service analyzes your royalty statements on your behalf and identifies assets for which you are not earning all of the royalties you should.
When assets are not earning all of the royalties available, those "issues" are labeled as low, medium, or high priority issues. Mogul's Royalty Monitoring Service estimates the potential dollar value of resolving the issue, in comparison to how much your catalog is earning, and labels the issue as low, medium, or high priority. High priority issues have the opportunity to earn you the most revenue and low priority issues are the lowest.
When 95% or more of the assets in a catalog are "Healthy" the rating is Excellent, 85-94% is Good, 70-84% is Needs Improvement, and 0 - 69% is Poor.
Similar to monitoring your credit, monitoring your Audit Health Score is key to ensure your catalog is healthy and earning all of the revenue it should be. Make sure to check back often and get your issues resolved!
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