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Have you ever used the leftover liquid from a chickpeas can for taste-safe play? 🌈✨ We love making aquafaba - it’s always so much fun and the texture is smooth! Hi!👋🏻 I’m Desiree, an early interventionist and mama of two sweet littles. I love sharing evidence-based strategies and easy play ideas to promote your child’s development. Click the ✨FOLLOW✨ button to continue learning more! To recreate this activity, drain a can of chickpeas and reserve the liquid. We used two cans for this activity. We added roughly 1 tbsp of beetroot powder and sprinkle in some cream of tartar (this is supposed to help with the longevity of the foam). Blend everything for a good 5mins until firm peaks are made. Add in some scoops and bowls, or even some cream cones! 👶🏼👶🏽👶🏾Activity is recommended for babies 6mts plus. An adult should supervise all activities. ➡️For more, check out my Baby and Toddler Caregiver Play & Milestone guides. It’s loaded with tips, milestones & play ideas! 🔗 in bio • • • #momssupportingmoms #newmomsupport #momoflittles #babysfirstyear #grossmotordevelopment #babydevelopment #babymilestones #mommyandmetime #tummytimefun #newmomsupport #momoflittles #grossmotorplay #childdevelopment #playhacks #parentinghacks #babyplay #babyplayideas #parentsupportingparents #babyplaytime #infantdevelopment #minimalistbaby #momentsinmotherhood #momoflittles #grossmotor #grossmotorplay #raisinglittles #sensoryplayideas #sensoryplaytime #sensoryplaytolearn #sensoryactivity